Cahyadi Kong
Financial Director, Indonesia


Cahyadi (centre, 3rd from left) enjoying a welcoming dinner at the intensive chi kung course in Malaysia. On his immediate left side is Chim Chin Sin, and on the far right of the picture is Goh Kok Hin. Both Chim and Goh are Sifu Wong's inner-chamber disciples. Other participants of the intensive course can be found behind; two are busy taking photographs.

Now I feel like a new person, full of energy and vitality. My friends and family saw the difference in me, they said "You are energetic now".

-- Cahyadi Kong

I had been in a weak health condition for a long time, easily get tired and sick. In February 2000, my health was extremely in the lowest condition.

I prepared a piece of paper in my wallet mentioning my name and address clearly, in case if something happened to me in my way to and from my office or as I was going to somewhere else. I did this, because I was very worried about my health.

One night at the end of February 2000, I felt a severe pain in my chest, both hands were cold, and my head was spinning. I hardly could breathe.

In this condition, I felt no hope and began to write a note for my family, stating that I love them and asking them to be strong, God will take care of them. That night I did not lock my apartment door. I thought, if I did not wake up the next morning, the house-keeper could come in and find my body.

Thanks to the Lord, I was given an opportunity to live longer. I believe with the God's guidance then I went to a book store and bought two books: " The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu" and "The Art of Chi Kung" by Sifu Wong Kiew Kit.

Every night since then, I studied from the books and tried to follow the instructions for some Chi Kung exercises. Beyond what I could imagine, my health was getting better everyday.

In a few weeks time, I was in very good health. As I kept on practising after three months, I found some problems when chi was opening some chi blockage in my chest, my back and right arm. But with persistent training and some advice from Sifu, I overcame the problems.

All my pain and sickness have gone. Now I feel like a new person, full of energy and vitality. My friends and family saw the difference in me, they said "You are energetic now".

With the purpose to thank Sifu and obtain direct supervision from Sifu, I joined an Intensive Chi Kung Course in August 2000 in Malaysia. What a wonderful Sifu I found and a very friendly Sifu's secretary as well as Sifu's inner-chamber disciples.

I really enjoyed the course, I asked a lot of questions and we also shared our experiences amongst the students. Now I feel confident with the exercises I am doing.

I would like to thank Sifu personally for what Sifu has done for me. May His blessing and wisdom be with Sifu always.

20th July 2000.


Courses and Classes