She could fully move her big toe and that this was the first time that she had done so
in over 4 years! -- Paul Andrew
Dear Sifu,
I write to thank you for an excellent time in Malaysia on the Intensive
Chi Kung Course. The course was the fulfilment of an ambition and lived up
to everything that I had expected. I would wholeheartedly recommend the
course for anyone who is interested in experiencing true chi kung.
Although I am used to experiencing "energetic" self manifested chi flow, the
experience in Malaysia was my best to date. I have experienced and enjoyed
practicing many types of chi kung, but Shaolin Cosmos Chi Kung is by far the
best I have ever encountered.
If you recall, whilst on the course I mentioned to you about some of my
personal successes through Shaolin Cosmos Chi Kung. Following your regional
chi kung course in Bath last year, I have helped to achieve remarkable
improvements in my mother's health, thanks to you teachings.
Recently I was upset to see my mother upset. She had been to the
doctors to ask about having a lump (which she believed to be an extremely
painful bunion) removed from the side of her foot. I learned that she had
been unable to move her big toe for over 4 years, and that on some days it
was so painful that she found difficulty in even walking.
The doctor's reply was that it was not a bunion, but "Chronic Arthritis",
and that all that the hospital could do was to remove her big toe, but that
this would cause problems for her balance. My mother had decided to opt for
keeping the lump and to continue to suffer her discomfort.
My reply to my mother was at first unsympathetic saying "Well if you took
chi kung seriously instead of 'playing at it, you might not have this
This angered my mother with the frustrated reply, "How can I do chi kung
that you want me to do? Some days I can't even move my arms, look!".
It is true that I would have loved for her to be able to do "Lifting the
Sky", but her pain in her shoulders would not allow arm movement above 90
degrees. ("Lifting the Sky" requiring 180 degrees.)
I have previously shown my mother some simple chi kung exercises (within
her mobility range), and standing meditation. Remembering your teachings from the course, I made my mother perform standing relaxation (talking her through mentally relaxing "head to toe") so
that she entered into a chi kung state of mind, followed by gentle but
focussed breathing, emphasizing the gentle mind aspect of chi kung. This was
followed by a brief period of standing meditation.
My intention here was to remove my mother's immediate stress, in the hope
that I could encourage her to take her chi kung training more seriously (as
I know that she often missed some days). This was a success and at least
when I left my mother's house, she was no longer upset by her doctors'remarks.
One hour later my mother telephoned me overjoyed saying that she could
fully move her big toe and that this was the first time that she had done so
in over 4 years!
I was very happy about this, but told her that I had not expected such
immediate results and that to me this was a sign for her to take chi kung
more seriously.
Two days later I was totally amazed to see that my mother now can move
both arms through almost 180 degrees! She has been unable to do this for
years! Simple but profound!!!
My mum is now a "Shaolin Chi Kung convert", and I am extremely happy that chi kung has improved my mother's quality of
life. This has made my year so far, THANK YOU SIFU...."
I continue to notice the benefits of my chi kung practice and I am also
convinced that through regular practicing chi kung that I have overcome a
kidney stones problem, from which my doctor suspected that I was suffering
last year.
I was truly honoured and moved at your suggestion that I may one day teach
Shaolin Wahnam Chi Kung in the UK and words cannot express this. I fully
appreciate the benefits of this wonderful Shaolin treasure and I will
certainly do my very best in this regard.
I have included below a copy of the poem of appreciation which I wrote
during the course, and also another poem called "Malaysia" which I wrote on
my last day there.
Best wishes,
A glimpse of what could be,
The sun rise beneath the clouds,
See the rivers twist and turn,
And the air so warm to know,
Dedicated to the warmth and friendship of the people of Malaysia which I
have been fortunate enough to experience during my stay in Malaysia whilst
attending Sifu Wong Kiew Kit's "Intensive Chi Kung Course".
Paul Andrews
Thank you Sifu,
Thank you for sharing the arts of Shaolin,
With "three treasures" and more, may one "smile from the heart"
Written especially for Sifu Wong Kiew Kit, Malaysia, April 2003 as a
token of appreciation from his many students throughout the world.
A Poem by Paul Andrews
Email :
April 10, 2002
One world in harmony,
A gathering of cultures and creed,
In friendship, love and peace.
Paints a glowing warm red scene,
O'er buildings tall and proud,
And paddy fields of green.
Winding down towards the sea,
Shadows glide o'er sands of gold,
Under waters pure and clean.
Like the people in her keep,
Full of life they smile and glow,
In this treasure of the east.
For shining your light,
For realising ambitions, for being true and forthright.
Gifts to the world and the wonders they bring,
For kindness and compassion -- in word and in deed,
For the path you have chosen -- by example to lead.
Thank you Sifu, for preserving the Shaolin Arts.
Paul (left) and some other participants at the Intensive Chi Kung Course, April 2002, Malaysia
Courses and Classes