Dragon Strength

Practicing "Spiritual Dragon Rolls Clouds" to develop lightning speed

Sifu Michael Chow
Instructor, Shaolin Wahnam Canada
19th December 2014

Due to Sifu's generosity and skill, all of the course attendees have had many fantastic experiences. I would like to take this opportunity to share one of mine.

If I recall correctly, it was the third day of the course that Sifu transmitted the skill of "Lightning Speed" (or "Dragon Speed"), a skill of using the mind to move the body at high speeds. It was incredible to witness how fast my arms moved! It was as if my arms were two large fans and I felt the wind rushing across my face!

If I were to move at a muscular level, I would not have moved that fast. What is more fantastic is the fact I did not take a single breath during the vigorous movements! When I finished the movements, I was not panting and my muscles were not burning or sore! I was charged with more energy than before I had started.

I mentioned this to Sifu during dinner and asked him about the lack of breath during the movements. He kindly said that I was still breathing but it was not breathing in the conventional sense where one takes in energy through the mouth and nose. He said it was Cosmic Breathing, taking in energy directly through the Cosmos, which is an advanced art.

Some of the others during dinner said they experienced something similar. Even though we did not intend to learn Cosmic Breathing, some have been able to do so incidentally. It is incredible to receive so many gifts and skills in a mere five day course!

I can sincerely say this course is unprecedented and ridiculous (in a good way). I am very grateful to be able learn from Sifu, a great, generous Shaolin master. Now I must do my part and continue to practice this incredible art.

With gratitude,
Michael Chow

Dragon Strength

Lightning speed is of course excellent for sparring

This post is reproduced from the thread Dragon Strength Course Experiences in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.



Videos of Dragon Strength Course 6-12 December 2014
Videos of Dragon Strength Course 12-18 December 2014

Courses and Classes