Performing the Dragon Strength Set

Shaolin Wahnam Canada
30th December 2014

Dear Sigung and Shaolin Wahnam Family,

Thank you Sigung for a wonderful course on Dragon Strength Chi Circulation Set. The transmissions are tremendous and I'm very grateful for being accepted into the course.

I can't begin to describe all that I have learned (still processing, actually) from mode of Lightning Speed to the slow transition of Black Tortoise method. The slow was fast and the fast slow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

I feel my perceptions have been enriched and more importantly blessed. Sometimes throughout the course I could feel there was an energy of another flow being in process and unfolding. This was incredible to stay awake and present to. Much gratitude to Sigung for the mountain of generosity in transmitting the Shaolin treasures and arts!

I feel as a child who has been given many building blocks. Thank you Sigung for the demonstrations in perfect form, energy flow and mind levels. The benefits of each have been made clearer for me. At each new level the chi flow entered further expansion and wisdom.

I'm very grateful to the hidden and mysterious teachings on Dim Mak. In learning the power of this skill I realize how important it is to maintain the highest ideals of being righteous.

I look forward to deepening my understanding of these Arts and increasing wisdom of Smiling from the Heart.

I wish to thank all my Shaolin brothers and sisters for participating so fully in the course. Thank you so much for your experiences in your posts. The breakthroughs and shifts of consciousness speak to the wonder of these Arts.

Thank you again, Sigung, for the wisdom and vitality.

With Gratitude and the Shaolin Salute,


Manifesting dragon force

This post is reproduced from the thread Dragon Strength Course Experiences in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.



Videos of Dragon Strength Course 6-12 December 2014
Videos of Dragon Strength Course 12-18 December 2014

Courses and Classes