VIP Chi Kung

Chi kung is excellent for managing stress


What is so special about the Special Chi Kung Course for VIPs? And how can Wahnam students and instructors and how can non-Wahnam members, i.e. VIPs, benefit from this course?

Sifu Anton Schmick


The Chi Kung Course for VIPs in China is special because of the following reasons:

  1. It is specially tailored for very important persons, or those who want to be very important persons.
  2. It is unlikely that such a course has been taught anywhere in the world that meet the needs and aspirations of very important people.
  3. It is the first time I teach any course in China, and we hope to bring our arts back to their sources if the people want them.
Will the course be suitable to those who do not want to be very important people. Yes, it is suitable if they meet the needs and aspirations of the course.

What are the needs and aspirations of very important people, or what the course will fulfill.

The first need is to manage stress. This need as well as others fulfilled in the course are not only for very important people and those who want to be very important people, but also for most people even when they do not want to be important. Stress is the most important factor that causes illness.

For a tike, stress management classes were popular, especially amongst business executives. However, these classes are no longer in existence. The reason is because they did not deliver the promise made, i.e. managing stress.

Our chi kung is excellent for managing stress. Being relaxed, which is the opposite of stress, is one of the two fundamental skills to experience an energy flow, the other fundamental skill being free from irrelevant thoughts. If a person has successfully practiced chi kung for six months, i.e. he has experienced an energy flow for six months, he has been relaxed during his practice for six months. By then, being relaxed becomes habitual.

The second need is to overcome illness. Many very important people take medication on a routine basis. Many other people who do not want to be important are also sick. Energy flow is excellent for overcome illness, any illness!

Why, then, are so many people ill today? There are two main reasons: the sick people do not know that genuine chi kung can overcome illness, and that genuine chi kung is very rare today. Most people practice gentle physical exercise which they mistake as chi kung.

The third and fourth needs, or aspirations for many people, are vitality and longevity. The VIP Chi Kung Course will provide these needs and aspirations.

Having vitality does not necessarily lead to peak performance, though vitality may provide the ingredients for peak performance. Three basic ingredients for peak performance are mental clarity, internal force and right philosophy. These three ingredients will be taught at the VIP Chi Kung Course.

These needs and aspirations are also available in the chi kung we normally practice. So, what is so special about the VIP Chi Kung Course? Very important persons are unlikely to want to roll on the floor in vigorous energy flow, or to practice stance training to develop internal force. So the teacher needs the knowledge to choose the appropriate techniques, and the skills to encourage his very important students not only to practice the techniques but also to enjoy the practice. I believe I have the knowledge and skills to accomplish this special objective.

Another special feature of the VIP Chi Kung Course is an opportunity to bring our arts back to China. We shall try, and not easily give up, if the people in China do not want our arts, we are not going to waste our time.

Shaolin Wahnam students and instructors can benefit much from this VIP Chi Kung Course. It will give them a different perspective of how similar aims and objectives are achieved among very important people. It will also give them a different experience of how chi kung is practiced among very important people to attain various needs and aspirations.

There is a saying that Chinese cuisine is the best in the world, and the best of Chinese cuisine is found in the south in Guangzhou where the course will be located. Even if we leave aside the benefits of the course, it is certainly worthwhile, even once, to taste the best of the best.

Guangzhou of south China also has beautiful scenery. The weather is comfortable for sight-seeing. Those who attend the VIP Chi Kung Course should not miss the opportunities to taste China’s delicious food and see China’s picturesque places.

VIP Chi Kung

Chi kung gives vitality and longevity

The questions and answers are reproduced from the thread 10 Questions on Special Chi Kung Course for VIPs.

