VIP Chi Kung

Cash flow is a good analogy for chi flow


You frequently mention that Chi Kung can help to increase cash flow. However, if the cash flow has not increased by practicing chi kung, am I doing it wrong?

I feel my chi kung practice benefits me a lot, I feel my energy flowing and after practice I feel calm and energized. Assumed I practice correctly, but my cash flow has not increased tremendously, while my chi flow did. Which strategies can I use to enhance the cash flow?

In general, what mechanisms or effects of chi kung work specifically on the enhancement of cash flow?"



Although chi kung does increase cash flow, I have not frequently mentioned it. But I have frequently compare chi flow with cash flow.

The similarity is as follows. It is not the chi kung techniques that overcome illness and give good health, it is the chi flow. It is not the job one does that overcomes debts and gives a comfortable life, it is the cash flow.

It does not matter how beautifully a person performs his chi kung techniques, but if he has no chi flow, he may have health problems. It does not matter how beautifully a person may perform his job, if he has no cash flow, he may have economic problems.

It does not matter what chi kung techniques a person performs, like “Lifting the Sky” or” Carrying the Moon”, if he has no chi flow he cannot overcome illness and attain good health. It does not matter what jobs a person does, like being a manager or a doctor, if he has no cash flow, he cannot pay his debts and enjoy a comfortable life.

Nevertheless, presuming the skills are the same, the more advanced a chi kung technique is, the more chi flow he will get. “Golden Bridge”, for example, will produce more consolidated chi flow than “Lifting the Sky”. Similarly, presuming the skills are the same, the higher paying a job is, the more cash flow, he will get. Being a manager, for example, will produce more cash flow than being a clerk.

But if a person is more skillful, he may produce more chi flow by performing a more elementary chi kung technique than another person performing an advanced technique. A master performing “Lifting the Sky” will produce more energy flow than a student performing “Golden Bridge”. Similarly, a more skillful person performing a lower paying job may have more cash flow than another less skillful person performing a higher paying joy. A skillful clerk may earn more money than a less skillful manager.

Practicing chi kung can increase cash flow. But you have to do the appropriate thing to get the cash flow. Even if money grew on tree, you had to pluck it. A lot of students have told me that their cash flow has increased noticeably after practicing chi kung.

f your cash flow has not increased by practicing chi kung, it does not necessarily mean that you have practiced wrongly Practicing wrongly is a possible reason, but if you have practiced correctly and your cash flow has not increased, it means you have not done appropriate actions to increase your cash flow. Although you have the means, you have not made use of the means to achieve your end.

This is glaring in most kungfu practitioners outside our school, although they may not realize it. Their techniques, i.e. the means, are correct, but they do not have the skills to make use of their means for combat.

What are the means to increase your cash flow? You need mental clarity and a lot of energy.

You have practiced correctly, as evident from the many benefits your practice has brought, but you have not used your mental clarity and energy to increase your cash flow. If you just landed at the first job that came your way although it was low paying, you had not used your mental clarity. If an opportunity to increase you cash flow presented itself, but you make no effort to take the opportunity, you have not used your energy. If no opportunities occurred, but you did not create one, honestly and nobly, you had not used your mental clarity and energy.

Overcoming illness and enjoying good health are intrinsic to chi king practice. In other words, without doing anything extra, practitioners of genuine and high-level chi kung like ours, will automatically overcome their illness and enjoy good health. This is because overcoming illness and enjoying good health are a function of energy flow, which chi kung practice will automatically give.

Increasing cash flow is a different matter. It is not a function of energy flow. In other words, even when you have good energy flow which naturally results in overcoming illness and enjoying good health, you do not naturally increase your cash flow.

But having good chi flow will provide you the necessary ingredients to increase your cash flow. Practicing chi kung which results in energy flow will give you mental clarity and a lot of energy besides giving you good health. You need these ingredients –- good health, mental clarity and energy – to increase your cash flow.

Some effective strategies to increase your cash flow are as follows.

Firstly, examine your abilities and likings. And choose a career that matches them. For example, if you are not good at talking to people and you don’t like selling, being a salesperson as it is the first job that comes your way, is not likely to be successful and a happy profession for you. Suppose you are good at computers, and like to work alone, being a computer technical is a better choice than being a salesperson.

Secondly, you have to look out for opportunities and use them when they present themselves. If the opportunities are not presently available, you have to create one. If you live at a small place where your talents are not used, not only you cannot increase your cash flow, you may not get a job you like. You have to move to a place where your talents can be used.

If there are no job opportunities available because all the companies already have their own computer technicians, you have to create an opportunity for yourself. You may, for example, write to some companies telling than that it is to their benefit that they give you a job. Better still, you become your own boss. Think of ways how your computer talents can bring you more cash flow. Your chi kung training will give you the ingredients needed for this task, such as good health, mental clarity and a lot of energy.

Good health, mental clarity and a lot of energy are the mechanisms or effects that can enhance your cash flow. Chi kung training will give your these effects, but you need to put them to work.

VIP Chi Kung

Chi flow can increase cash flow

The questions and answers are reproduced from the thread 10 Questions on Special Chi Kung Course for VIPs.

