Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit in Florida

While in a poetic mood, I recalled a poem about spiritual cultivation recited by a friend about 30 years ago in the 1980s. I could not remember the exact wording of the poem, so I though I could do better by composing one my own. I composed it in Chinese (Cantonese) as follows:

The following is the English translation:

Those who are of another religion can replace the word "Buddha" by a suitable word like "God".

It is worthy of note that "Buddha" in the first line refers to the transformation body of the Buddha, like Siddhārtha Gautama, or the reward body of the Buddha. "Buddha in the third line refers to the spiritual body of the Buddha, i.e. everything there is. The triple-body of the Buddha corresponds to the trinity concept in Christianity, i.e. God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit.

It is also worthy of note that "Buhhha" is not religious, i.e. it can be used in any religion. The word means "the Enlightened One". In Christianity, it refers to Jesus Christ.

Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit
13th December 2016


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