Shaolin Kungfu

Grandmaster Wong explains the importance of waist rotation

First people fought haphazardly. Then those who fought frequently devised favorable ways of fighting, which over the centuries crystallized into patterns. Patterns are linked together in some meaningful ways to form sequences. Our first four sequences which we use, amongst other things, to train combat skills are "Black Tiger Steals Heart", "Poisonous Snake Shoots Venom", "Precious Duck Swims through Lotus" and "Hang a Golden Star at a Corner".

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Four Combat Sequences to Develop Combat Skills

Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Sequence 1 Initiator Sequence 1 Responder Sequence 2 Initiator
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Sequence 2 Responder Sequence 3 Initiator
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Rotation of Waist Rotation of Waist
Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu Shaolin Kungfu
Sequence 3 Responder Sequence 4 Initiator Sequence 4 Responder

Please click the picture or the caption to view the video

Four Combat Sequences to Develop Combat Skills from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


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