Taijiquan on the Blue Mountain Part 7 — Life (Almost)
8th to 12th March 2009


Wahnam Taijiquan

The importance of rotating the waist

Body-movement and footwork, or "shen-fa" and "bu-fa" in Chinese, are very important in Taijiquan, but they are often neglected by many students. Incorrect body-movement and footwork not only affect combat efficiency but are also detrimental to health, causing disorders like knee injuries and back pain. Important principles like "differentiating yin-yang", "starting from the back leg" and "rotating the waist" ensure good body-movement and footwork.

Please click the pictures or the captions to view the videos

Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Differentiating Yin-Yang Rotation of Waist Sinking Chi to Dan Tian
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Carrying Cosmos Chi to Dan Tian Start from Back Leg
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Rotating from Waist Return to Origin Weight at Back Leg
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Rotating Waist Differentiating Yin-Yang
Wahnam Taijiquan Wahnam Taijiquan
Rotating Waist Return to Origin

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or caption below

Importance of Body-Movement and Footwork in Taijiquan from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


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