Flowing Water Staff

Grandmaster Wong flows his staff over Dr Damian's staff

Please click the pictures or the captions to view the videos

When there is a Bridge, Go Along the Bridge

Flowing Water Staff As you thrust your staff against your opponent, he side-steps and thrusts his staff against you instead. What would you do?

If there is No Bridge, Flow with the Water

Flowing Water Staff If there is no bridge, flow with the water.

Flowing his Staff around Yours

Flowing Water Staff As you side-step to thrust your staff against your opponent, he flows his staff around yours. What would you do?

Tai Mountain Suppresses Head

Flowing Water Staff You may apply the Tai Mountain on his head.
If the situation is reverse, and he applies the Tai Mountain on your head, what would you do?
If you don't have a solution, you may ask someone who has attended the course (and hope he may tell you).

Please click the page or the caption below to view the video

Application of Flowing Water Staff from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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