Grandmaster Wong shows some finer points in overcoming two armed attackers
While the techniques may be different, the main principles used by the Sifu Mark, Sifu Jamie and Sifu Wong Chun Nga in handling two armed opponents is the same. Can you tell what the main principles are? Grandmaster Wong also intervenes twice to reveal some finer points.
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Sifu Mark disarms the first attacker and uses his saber to overcome the second attacker. Notice that Sifu Mark stops the second attacker’s saber with his left hand.
Grandmaster Wong shows some finer points in handling both the first and the second attackers. Nevertheless the tactic he employs in overcoming the two attackers here is the same as that used by Sifu Mark above. Do you know what the tactic is?
Sifu Wong Chun Nga also uses the same tactic in handling multiple armed attackers. But the second attacker proves to be formidable, resulting in an interesting saber duel. Grandmaster Wong intervenes to demonstrate a sophisticated technique to disarm him.
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