Lion Dance

Sifu Nick and Sifu Tim of Shaolin Wahnam England make the Lion come alive although it is the first time they are performing the Lion Head and Lion Tail

When you are familiar with the necessary hand movements and footwork, you can dance using the Lion Head and the Lion Tail with the accompaniment of joyful percussion music. The basic rule is that the gong-man and the cymbal-men follow the drummer, and the drummer follows the Lion. When the Lion comes out of its den and gives three greetings, rolling-thunder drumming is used. Then the percussion music progresses to majestic drumming and leisure drumming.

Please click the pictures or the captions to view the videos

Lion Dance Lion Dance Lion Dance
Rolling Thunders Dance with Music Lion Greetings
Lion Dance Lion Dance Lion Dance
Lion Greetings Showing Majesty Majestic Lion

You can view all the above video clips by clicking the picture or the caption below

Majestic Lion Dancing to Joyful Percussion Music from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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