Traveling Dragon Sword

Jerom uses the pattern "Heaven Dragon Drops Water" to disarm an opponent's spear and simultaneously attack him

If you are big and strong and defeat a small-sized opponent, it is due to your physical strength and is nothing spectacular. But if you are small-sized, and you defeat a big, strong opponent, it is due to your skillful use of sophisticated techniques.

Similarly, if you use a dainty weapon like a sword, you need great skills and techniques to defeat opponents using long, heavy weapons. Here, course participants use the sword to defeat opponents using a Samurai sword, a staff and a Guan Dao which are physically stronger.

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Great Skills and Techniques are Needed in Using a Sword

Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword
Golden Dragon Shoots Tongue Immortal Draws Talismans Dry Mist on Lotus Platform
Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword
White Dragon Looks at Sun White Dragon Looks at Sun Jade Belt Circles Waist
Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword Traveling Dragon Sword
Heaven Dragon Drops Water Conceal Dragon in Bosom Breeze Sways Floating Green

You can view all the above video clips by clicking the picture or the caption below

Great Skills and Techniques in Using a Sword from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


Overview of Traveling Dragon Sword and its Application

Courses and Classes