Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan

You may strike at an opponent not just once but many times

Stylizing a Boxer's attacks as jab-jab-cross, we first learn to counter at Point 3, i.e. we deflect his two jabs, ward off his cross, cover him and counter-strike. When we are proficient at this procedure, we progress to countering at Point 2, i.e. we counter-strike after his second jab.

Someone used to random free sparring may argue that a Boxer does not necessarily fight the way we have stylized him to do. We know this, but stylizing his attacks into sequences makes our training systematic and very cost-effective. When we can handle pre-arranged attacks well, we can systematically release control and gradually engage in free sparring.

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan
Counter at Point 2 Counter at Point 2 Class Practice
Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan
Class Practice Counter at Point 2 Many Strikes
Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan
Many Strikes Middle and Top
Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan Taijiquan, Tai Chi Chuan
Very Fast Top or Middle Top or Bottom

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or caption below

From Point 3 to Point 2 in Taijiquan Pre-Arranged Sparring from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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