Shaolin Praying Mantis

There is something seriously wrong with this attack. Do you know what it is?

Ma Ji's "Close Combat", Meng Su's "Seven-Step Press", and Lin Chong's "Continuous Kicks" are shown here. Can you tell where these techniques are? Yang Kun's "Gripping Techniques" manifested in "Double Fists", however, are wrongly applied. Many martial artists use the double-fist attack in this way, but do you know what serious faults is contained in this double-fist attack?

Please click the picture below to view the videos

Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis
Seven-Star Thrust Punch Ma Ji's Close Combat Some Weakness
Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis
Liu Xing's Hook and Grip Ascend Mountain Double Fists What's Wrong?
Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis
Sun Heng's Monkey Style Jump Step Avoid Force Counter against Kicks

You can view all the above videos here

Teaching of Past Masters from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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