Shaolin combat sequences

Use your footwork to neutralize chin-na techniques

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Catch Snake
Hand Sweep

Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Class Practice
Class Practice

Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Kung Fu
Hip Throw
Move Stance
Change Step

You can view all the above video clips by clicking the picture or the caption. Click the bottom right corner button for enlarged viewing.

Use Footworkd to Neutralize Chin-Na -- Japan 2007 from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

This is the fourth part, and is divided into the following sections:

      1. Chin-Na
      2. Gentle and Graceful
      3. Don't Use Strength!
      4. A Touch of Zen
      5. Taming the Tiger
      6. Use Footwork to Neutralize Chin-Na
      7. Solo Performance
      8. From Pre-Arranged to Free Sparring

You can also view all the videos here

The Four Parts of the series, Crystallization of the Past Masters, are as follows:

  1. The Basics as Trained by Past Masters
  2. From Solo Patterns to Sequence Sparring
  3. Applying Shaolin Skills and Techniques for Combat
  4. Experiencing the Wonderful Benefits of Shaolin Training


Overview -- Crystalliation of Past Masters

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