Shaolin Kungfu Show in Sabah

Solo set practice can bring many benefits that many practitioners may not realize

Many people think set practice is useless because fighting or even free sparring does not come in a pre-arranged manner like in a kungfu set. Thus, they go straight to free sparring. On the other hand, they are many who just perform solo sets all their lives.

You know from direct experience that both these extremes are incorrect. Do you know why we practice solo sets? In other words, what benefits can solo set training give us?

There are many benefits, such as

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Initiator's Mode of Combat Sequence

Shaolin Kungfu Show in Sabah

This is the initiator's mode of Combat Sequence 13, which is called “Felling Tree with Roots”. The patterns in the sequence are “Dragon and Tiger Appear”, “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”, “Black Tiger Steals Heart”, “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”, “Felling Tree with Roots”. “Double Butterflies Flying Separately” and “White Crane Flaps Wings”.

Responder's Mode of Combat Sequence

Shaolin Kungfu Show in Sabah

This is the responder's mode of Combat Sequence 12, which is called “Felling Tree with Roots”. The first patterns shown here is “Angry Leopard Charges at Fire” which is the last pattern of the initiatior's mode. Instead of starting with a poise pattern again followed by another “Single Tiger”, you can thread your left hand then continue with “Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley”, “Double Butterflies Flying Together” and “Sharp Knife Trims Bamboo”. The last pattern, “Golden Dragon Plays with Water”, is shown in the next video clip.

Initiator's Mode of Combat Sequence 14

Shaolin Kungfu Show in Sabah

This is the initiator's mode of Combat Sequence 14, which is called “Lead Horse Back to Stable”. The first pattern shown here is “Golden Dragon Plays with Water”, which is actually the last pattern of the previous sequence. Move forward with “Black Tiger Steals Heart”, the first patterns of this sequence, then followed by “Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley”, “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”, “Lead Horse Back to Stable”, “False-Leg Hand Sweep” and “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”.

Responder's Mode of Combat Sequence 14

Shaolin Kungfu Show in Sabah

This is the responder's mode of Combat Sequence 14, which is called “Lead Horse Back to Stable”. The patterns shown here are “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”, “Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley”, “Hide Flowers in Sleeves”, “Precious Duck Swims through Lotus” and “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”.

Initiator's Mode of Combat Sequence 15

Shaolin Kungfu Show in Sabah

This is the initiator's mode of Combat Sequence 15, which is called “Farmer Hoes Rice Field”. The patterns in the sequence are “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”, “Black Tiger Steals Heart”, “Golden Dragon Plays with Water”, “Farmer Hoes Rice Field”, “Save Emperor with Single Whip” and “Green Dragon Charges at Face”.

Responder's Mode of Combat Sequence 15

Shaolin Kungfu Show in Sabah

This is the responder's mode of Combat Sequence 15, which is called “Farmer Hoes Rice Field”. The patterns in the sequence are “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”, “Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley”, “Happy Bird Hops up Branch” and “Beauty Looks at Mirror”.

Initiator's Mode of Combat Sequence 16

Shaolin Kungfu Show in Sabah

This is the initiator's mode of Combat Sequence 16, which is called “Fierce Tiger Pushes Mountain”. From the last pattern of the previous sequence, “Beauty Looks at Mirror”, glide forward with “Black Tiger Steals Heart”, followed by “Fierce Tiger Pushes Mountain”, “Save Emperor with Single Whip” and “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”.

Responder's Mode of Combat Sequence 16

Shaolin Kungfu Show in Sabah

This is the responder's mode of Combat Sequence 16, which is called “Fierce Tiger Pushes Mountain”. The patterns in the sequence are “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”, “Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley”, “White Horse Presents Hoof”, “Golden Leopard Speeds through Jungle”, “Single Tiger Emerges from Cave”, “Black Tiger Steals Heart”, “One Finger Stabilizes Empire”, “Dragon and Tiger Appear” and “Two Tigers at Ready”.

You can view all the videos here


Review of the Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course in Sabah in March 2007

Click here for an Overview of the entire course

  1. The Basics of Shaolin Kungfu Training
  2. Fundamental Combat Skills
  3. Defeat you Hand to your Opponent, Victory you Create Yourself
  4. Avoiding Disadvantages and Seeking Advantages
  5. Basic Principles and Tactics of Combat
  6. Skills derived from Sparring can be Rewardingly used in Daily Life
  7. Some Secrets in Practicing Genuine Kungfu
  8. Various Ways to Move into an Opponent

  9. Applying Combat Sequences in Sparring
  10. Linking Sequences to be More Combat Efficient
  11. The Secrets of Continuous Cannons
  12. The Mechanics of Continuation
  13. Marvelous Techniques Beget Marvelous Techniques
  14. Perfecting Forms and Developing Force
  15. Applying Tactics in Combat
  16. Objectives of Form Training in Solo

  17. Being Fluent in Kicking Techniques before Applying them in Combat
  18. Using Tactics in Kicking Attacks and Defences
  19. Different Levels of Sophistication in Sparring and Fighting
  20. The Legacy of Uncle Righteousness: Secret of Continuous Cannons and their Counters
  21. Benefiting from the Experiences and Teachings of Past Masters

  22. Poetic Patterns Can be Very Deadly
  23. Moving Back One Step when in Diffiuclt Situations
  24. Linking Sequences to Form a Kungfu Set
  25. Felling Techniques in Kungfu are Different from Judo and Wrestling
  26. Butterfly Palms and Hiding Flowers are Excellent in Countering Felling and Gripping Attacks
  27. Let Mercy Flow from the Hands

  28. Benefits of Solo Set Practice — Combat Sequences 13 to 16
  29. From Pre-Choice Sequences to Free Sparring
  30. Applying Shaolin Patterns Correctly and Spontaneously in Free Sparring
  31. Shaolin Kungfu against Boxing and Kick-Boxing
  32. Shaolin Counters against Wrestling Shoots
  33. The Secret of Grandmaster Ho Fatt Nam
  34. Why Shaolin Kungfu is Technically Faster than Boxing
  35. Shaolin Techniques, Tactics and Strategies against Boxing
  36. Revealing Secrets of Past Taijiquan Masters
  37. Overwhelming Opponents with Just One Pattern
  38. Poetry and Elegance in Effective Combat

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