Having learnt the various counters against a Boxer's jabs and crosses, we can now progress to more realistic sparring with the Boxer. A good strategy is to close the Boxer, giving him little opportunity to counter-attack, and then strike him.
Instead of closing a Boxer, we can also open him to attack. Using the left hand to guard or pave the way, and the right hand to strike is an effective strategy.
A Boxer is not only fast, but he often uses feint moves. A good tactic is to cover his moves, irrespective of whether they are feint or real, thus preventing him from continuing his attack. Good body-movement and footwork are needed to implement this tactic successfully.a
At this early stage of our training, we limit a Boxer's attacks to jabs and crosses, which are his main techniques. Hooks and undercuts will be dealt with later.
Progressing to Realistic Sparring with a Boxer from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
- From Shaolin to Instinctive Fighting to Boxing
- Basic Counters against a Boxer's Jabs
- Chasing after a Boxer's Retreat
- One-Step, Two-Step or Multiple-Step Chase
- Practicing on your Own, then Testing it on your Partner
- Counters against a Boxer's Left Jabs
- Handling Unexpected Attacks Correctly and Spontaneously
- Progressing to Realistic Sparring with a Boxer
- Employing Appropriate Tactics to Defeat a Boxer
- Sticking to a Boxer as he Tries to Bounce Away
- Advantages of the Bow-Arrow Stance over a Boxer's Footwork
- Practicing Numerous Tactics against Boxers
- Handling a Boxer Competently despite his Speed and Size
- Understanding and Implementing Techniques, Tactics and Skills against Boxers
- Countering the Left-Left-Right of Boxers
- Kick a Boxer Whenever he Uses his Right Hand
- Various Tactics to Handle a Boxer
- Attacking a Boxer with a Planned Sequence
- Felling an Opponent as he Attacks with an Undercut
- Various Ways to Fell an Opponent
- Knee Strikes and their Counters
- From Simple Techniques to Sophisticated Patterns
- Why are many Kungfu Practitioners Unable to Counter Muay Thai or Kick-Boxing Attacks?
- Superiority of Kungfu Stances, Footwork and Techniques
- Counters against Muay Thai and Kick-Boxing Attacks
- Effective Tactics and Techniques against Continuous Attacks Mixed with Feint Moves
- How do you Counter Continous Kicks?
- Exploiting the Innate Weaknesses of Kicks to Counter Them
- Throwing an Opponent as he Kicks
- Striking the Attacker as he Attempts a Shoot
- Countering the Shoot when an Attacker has Grabbed you or Pushed you onto the Ground